The Making of Steve McQueens "Le Mans"
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Ausführung & Material
- Fine Art Print mit Kaschierung auf Alu-Dibond mit vorinstallierter alu--- als Wandhalterung
- Fine Art Print auf Hahnemühle PhotoRag mit Passepartout im Halbe Magnetrahmen Classic, Aluminium 8, Edelstahl gebürstet
- Fine Art Print auf Hahnemühle PhotoRag
Diese 30 Motive stehen in limitierter Auflage zum Verkauf.
Steve greets his team
Restaging the apron before the race. This is the shot Steve refused to do on race day when he had thousands of free extras.
No. 25: Austrian Favourite
The cars are lined up on the tarmac for the movie version of the start of the race.
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In a hurry
Getting ready to ride with Steve down the track on a pair of Kawasaki motorcycles I had promoted for the set.
The fastest camera in the world
Solar's Porsche 908/2, car #29, on the tarmac prior to the start of the race. The cameras were mounted under the custom cowling front and back. Directly behind are two John Wyer Porsches and two Ferraris.
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Today McQueen and Le Mans are considered an iconic match by racing and cinema buffs.
The start
Honorary Marshal, Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, drops the flag and the race begins. Shot from behind one of John Wyer's Porsche 917S.
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To the limit
John Wyer Gulf Porsche 917K, car #21, driven by Pedro Rodriguez and Leo Kinnunen. They finished only 22 laps, placing 48th overall.
911 Accident
Filming the re-staged crash. Drivers leaving Porsche 911 and yellow Ferrari 512S, car #11. Alfa Romeo T33/3, car #35, and Matra-Simca MS650, car #30, are flagged by, followed closely behind by Ferrari 512S.
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Jo Siffert and Brian Redman in Porsche 917K, car#20, followed closely by Porsche 917L, car #25 with Vic Elford and Kurt Ahrens, Jr.
Fast pit stop
Re-staging a late pit stop for Ferrari 512S, car #8. The grime on the car indicates the stage of the race. One day they'd need to be clean, the next day dirty, and vice versa. Matching these cars as the race progressed was a difficult task.
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Steve relaxing on Ferrari 512S
Steve resting on a Ferrari between takes.
Beautiful 917K
Steve in Porsche 917K, car #22. Ferrari 512S, car #8, against the pit wall. If you look closely you can spot Derek Bell (facing the camera) standing next to a Shell technician.
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Steve enjoying the pits
Steve talking to Lee Katzin (in the blue suit) about the next set up.
Steve having a break with #20
Recreating a night pit stop. Steve sits on his Porsche 917K. The car was aged to correspond with the time in the race.
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In the rain
Martini racing team Porsche 908/2L, car #27, with Rudi Lins and Dr. Helmut Marko (finished 3rd overall) leading the Ferrari 312P, car #57, of Tony Adamowicz and Chuck Parsons.
They are coming!
Cars stacked up as they enter the Ford chicane. The chicane was added to slow down the cars before they neared the grandstand and the pit area.
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